Greenshot – Open Source Screen Capture

Every technician, at some time, has wished he or she could email the error message on the console screen to whatever vendor support is working on the issue. In the past you either used PrintScreen and tried to edit the picture or used Snagit. Snagit is a great tool but it is not free.
Enter Greenshot.

(from the website…)

Greenshot is a revolutionary screenshot tool optimized for productivity.

  • Save a screenshot or a part of the screen to a file within a second.
  • Apply text and shapes to the screenshot.
  • Offers capture of window, region or full screenshot.
  • Supports several image formats.

Greenshot is an open source offering that follows other free tools to replace traditional business-use applications. As of January 11, 2009 Greenshot is on v0.7 beta. The installer is a small 349KB download. Installation took less than two minutes. Similar to Snagit, Greenshot runs in the System Tray. Simply right-click on the icon and select the operation you would like to complete. Here is an example of the Capture Region output.
As soon as you click on Capture Region, a cross-hair appears on the screen. Place the mouse at the top left corner of your desired capture, click and hold the left button and drag over to the lower right corner. Release the left mouse button and you have made your capture. One handy feature is the pixel count that displays as you drag across your capture area.
Greenshot allows many save options. The default is png. The included image editor is very handy as well allowing the edition of text boxes, lines, arrows and other shapes.

Download this today and enjoy the simplicity of this great practical application!

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