Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 Netbook Performance Issues

Being that it is my job and my nature to keep systems running, I generally don’t upgrade OS’ quickly. Doing so introduces change which in turn breaks things. After performing an install of the latest version of Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 I found the performance to quite poor. After a quick Google search I found that I was far from the only one with the issue. You can follow more on that here. It is worth mentioning that I had this installed on an HP Mini 311 which is one of the faster netbooks available at the time of this writing. I went back to 10.04 and it is now a useful system again.


1 thought on “Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 Netbook Performance Issues”

  1. you should have just tried to fix the issues. when i upgraded, it was a nightmare but once i worked thru the issues, I am happier than ever with 10.10. for a free o.s. ubuntu just cant be beat

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